Feedback Portals for Professionals and Organizations

At Safe Mediation, we offer a unique service designed to facilitate honest and constructive feedback for professionals, companies, institutions, governments, and other entities. Our Feedback Portals provide a confidential and supportive environment where stakeholders can share their experiences and concerns about professional activities.

Our approach is grounded in the principles of non-violent communication and a deep sensitivity to the potential impact of traumatic experiences. We aim to create a safe space for dialogue, fostering understanding and healing.

Distinct from Accountability Processes:

While our Feedback Portals share similarities with our accountability processes, they serve a different purpose. Unlike accountability processes, which are designed to address specific grievances and facilitate resolution, Feedback Portals focus on gathering and understanding feedback to guide future actions and improvements.

Service Highlights:

  • Confidential and Supportive Environment: Ensuring that all feedback is shared in a safe, non-judgmental space.
  • Facilitated Communication: We guide the process to ensure that all voices are heard and respected, using the principles of non-violent communication.
  • Trauma-Informed Approach: Our mediators are trained to handle sensitive content with the utmost care, ensuring that interactions support healing.
  • Ethical and Neutral Facilitation: Despite any financial support from the subjects of feedback, our operations remain independent, guided solely by professional ethics and a commitment to neutrality.
  • Constructive Feedback: We encourage stakeholders to provide feedback that reflects their experiences and feelings, focusing on fostering understanding rather than judgment.

How It Works:

  • Feedback Submission: Stakeholders can submit their feedback through a secure and confidential portal.
  • Verification and Discussion: We schedule a confidential call to discuss the feedback further, verify the information, and explore how we might facilitate any further dialogue.
  • Consent for Sharing: Stakeholders control whom their feedback is shared with, whether it remains with us or is shared with the subject of the feedback or their accountability team.
  • Support Resources: We provide access to mental health resources and support services to assist stakeholders in processing their experiences.

Our Feedback Portals are an alternative pathway to traditional public relations, offering a deeper, more empathetic approach to understanding professional interactions and experiences. By focusing on constructive dialogue and healing, we help organizations and individuals grow and improve based on genuine, heartfelt feedback.

For more information on how our Feedback Portals can benefit your organization, please contact us directly at We are here to assist and ensure that this process is as supportive and effective as possible.