At Safe Mediation, we understand that it can sometimes be confusing to distinguish between the services we offer, especially when it comes to feedback portals and accountability processes. While both are important tools in addressing conflict and promoting transparency, they serve different purposes and are applied in different ways.

This post will clarify the differences between how we manage feedback portals and accountability processes, so that everyone involved can understand our role and what to expect.

1. What is a Feedback Portal?

A feedback portal is a tool we use to facilitate open communication between an individual or organization and the broader community. It acts as a channel for sharing experiences, raising concerns, or offering feedback. Safe Mediation manages these portals to ensure that feedback flows in both directions—from the individual to the community, and from the community to the individual.

How the Feedback Portal Works:

  • Collecting Feedback: Individuals are invited to submit their thoughts, concerns, suggestions, or questions about a particular person or situation. The feedback portal is typically open to anyone who has relevant input, allowing the community to share their experiences.
  • Facilitating Dialogue: Safe Mediation’s role is to manage the flow of this feedback. We make sure it is received by the individual in question and help them understand the community’s concerns. We also provide clarity by sharing information from the individual back to the community, helping both sides stay informed.
  • No Formal Accountability Process: The feedback portal is not an accountability process. It’s a way to gather and share information to promote transparency and understanding. Safe Mediation’s role is to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and that the individual receiving feedback has the opportunity to reflect on it and respond.

The feedback portal is often used in situations where the individual may be engaging in self-accountability or ongoing reflection, but it’s important to note that Safe Mediation is not running an official accountability process in these cases. We are simply helping manage the exchange of information to foster constructive communication.

2. What is an Accountability Process?

An accountability process is a more formal and structured approach to addressing harm or conflict. When Safe Mediation manages an accountability process, we are directly involved in guiding the person through a series of steps aimed at taking responsibility for their actions and making meaningful changes.

How the Accountability Process Works:

  • Formal Structure: Unlike the feedback portal, an accountability process has a clear structure and timeline. It often involves multiple steps, such as reflection, acknowledgment of harm, making amends, and committing to behavioral change.
  • Safe Mediation’s Active Role: In an accountability process, Safe Mediation is actively managing the journey of accountability. We guide the individual through the process, ensuring they are engaging meaningfully with the feedback, taking responsibility for their actions, and making reparative steps. This may include facilitated conversations with those impacted, specific restorative actions, or personal development work.
  • Restorative Focus: The goal of the accountability process is to help the individual repair relationships, understand the impact of their actions, and make genuine changes. Safe Mediation provides direct support throughout this process, helping both the individual and the affected parties navigate these difficult conversations.
  • Personalized: Each accountability process is tailored to the unique situation and the needs of those involved. We collaborate with both the individual being held accountable and those impacted to create a process that feels just and fair to everyone.

Key Differences Between Feedback Portals and Accountability Processes

  • Level of Engagement:
    • Feedback Portal: Safe Mediation manages the exchange of feedback. We ensure that the individual receives the feedback, but we are not directly involved in managing the outcome.
    • Accountability Process: Safe Mediation is actively involved in guiding the individual through the process of taking responsibility for their actions. We ensure the individual is meaningfully engaging in making amends.
  • Structure:
    • Feedback Portal: The portal is a flexible, ongoing tool for communication. There’s no formal structure or timeline—feedback is collected and shared to help inform and educate the individual.
    • Accountability Process: The process has a clear structure, with defined steps for reflection, acknowledgment, and repair.
  • Outcome:
    • Feedback Portal: The outcome is open-ended. It is up to the individual to engage with the feedback as part of their self-accountability or reflection process.
    • Accountability Process: The outcome is clear and intentional. The goal is to achieve repair, change, and healing for the individual and those impacted by their actions.

When Safe Mediation Uses a Feedback Portal vs. an Accountability Process

  • Feedback Portal: We use this tool when there is a need to gather information from the community or help an individual receive feedback. The individual may be engaging in self-reflection or their own accountability journey, but Safe Mediation is only managing the flow of information, not the accountability process itself.
  • Accountability Process: When a structured approach is needed to address harm, Safe Mediation may manage the accountability process. This involves guiding the individual through clear stages—engaging with feedback, acknowledging the harm done, and making meaningful amends. However, Safe Mediation does not always manage the accountability process. This may be due to a lack of fit with our approach, availability constraints, if another party already handling it, or if the individual requires more preparation before fully engaging in accountability.


While both the feedback portal and accountability processes are important tools in creating a safe, transparent environment, they serve different purposes. The feedback portal is about facilitating open communication, while the accountability process is about actively managing a structured journey towards repair and change.

Safe Mediation’s role in both cases is to support dialogue, create clarity, and ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. If you have questions about our approach or would like more information, feel free to contact us or explore our resources.

Anaisa Seneda

Anaisa is a mediator and conflict resolution expert who helps leaders navigate difficult conversations and confrontations. She offers individualized sessions and safer, neutral mediations to unpack and resolve difficult conversations, with a track record of success in mediating family disputes, corporate storms, and community distress.

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